LMNL Arts presents an evening with Skye Jackson, Brad Richard & Julie Kane
March 16 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Welcome to the LMNL Reading Series featuring Skye Jackson, Brad Richard, and Julie Kane! Join us at The Domino for an evening of captivating storytelling and literary magic. Get ready to be swept away by the words of these talented authors as they share their latest works. Don’t miss out on this special event – mark your calendars and come join us for an unforgettable night!
Skye Jackson was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a graduate of the UNO Creative Writing Workshop. Her work has appeared in RHINO, The Southern Review, Palette Poetry, RATTLE and elsewhere. Her poetry has been a finalist for the Iowa Review Poetry Award, the RATTLE Poetry Prize, the RHINO Founders’ Prize, and in 2021 she received the AWP Intro Journals Award. Jackson’s work was also selected by Billy Collins for inclusion in the Library of Congress Poetry 180 Project. She has received support for her work from The Frost Place, The Key West Literary Seminar & Cave Canem. This summer, she will serve as Writer-in-Residence of the Jack Kerouac House. Her debut poetry collection, Libre, has just been published by Regalo Press and distributed by Simon & Schuster. She currently teaches at Xavier University.
Brad Richard is the author of Habitations (Portals Press, 2000), Motion Studies (The Word Works, 2011), Butcher’s Sugar (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2012), Parasite Kingdom (The Word Works, 2019), and Turned Earth (Louisiana State University Press, 2025). His 2022 chapbook, In Place, was chosen for the Robin Becker Series from Seven Kitchens Press. He has taught creative writing at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, The Willow School (whose creative writing program he founded and directed), Louisiana State University, and Tulane University, and for New Orleans Writers Workshop. Series editor of the Hilary Tham Capital Collection from The Word Works, he lives, writes, and gardens in New Orleans. More at bradrichard.org.
Julie Kane’s six poetry books include Rhythm & Booze, winner of the National Poetry Series; Jazz Funeral, winner of the Donald Justice Poetry Prize; and Mothers of Ireland, winner of the Poetry by the Sea Book Prize and a longlist finalist for the Julie Suk Prize. Just out in Spring 2025 from LSU Press is Naked Ladies: New and Selected Poems. With Grace Bauer, she co-edited Nasty Women Poets: An Unapologetic Anthology of Subversive Verse, and with H. L. Hix, she co-edited Terribly in Love, selected poems in English translation by the Lithuanian poet Tautvyda Marcinkevičiūtė. A past Louisiana Poet Laureate and Fulbright Scholar, she is Professor Emerita of English at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, currently teaching in the low-residency poetry MFA program at Western Colorado University.